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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
T TIGER +cogwheel & latch 6
T TOYO +cogwheel 12, 35
T TSL +cogwheel 12
T.C.H. +cogwheel 7
TAFE cafe +arcs & cogwheel 9
cogwheel 5
TAIFAN +cogwheel 7
TALLI NIGHT +cogwheel 41
TARAK NATH ghee +cogwheel 29
cogwheel 29
TARGET +cogwheel & triangle 12
TASCO +cogwheel 7
TASCO +tower & cogwheel 7
TAT-TWAM +spiral & cogwheel 44
TAYOMA +watches & cogwheel 12
TBC +cogwheel & squares 39
TCS +cogwheel 10
TDCL HEALTHCARE +cogwheel 35
TE +hat cogwheel & arrow 41
TE TANYA +cogwheel 35
cogwheel 7
TECH PRO2 +cogwheel & ovals 41
TECNIA +cogwheel 41
TEEN PHOOL BIDI +cogwheel 34
TEJA +cogwheel 9
TEJAS +cogwheel 7
TELLY +cogwheel 12
TENSIL +cogwheel & wreath 9, 21
TENSIL +wreath & cogwheel 16
cogwheel 9
cogwheel 16
TERI SCHOOL +man & cogwheel 41
TES TEJASWI +cogwheel 7
TEX SPARES +cogwheel 35
TGM +cogwheel 42
THAYYIL +cogwheel 7
THE GUVMENT +cogwheel flowe 43
cogwheel 41
cogwheel 43
THE TROMMEL SHOP +cogwheel 7
THERMOCARE +man & cogwheel 7
THROTTLERZ +cogwheel 41
TI +cogwheel 12
TIEROS +spanners & cogwheel 12
TINEX +cogwheel man stripes 35
TIRUPATI +horse & cogwheel 7
TKT +cogwheel 9
TMT TARAK +cogwheel 7
TO +cogwheel 7
TOCHI PURBA +cogwheel & ova 7
TOCKLAI +cogwheel & plant 30, 42
TOCKLAI +plant & cogwheel 5
TOE TECH +cogwheel 7, 18
TOE TECH +cogwheel & square 25
TOLERANCE +spanner cogwheel 12
TOP TEK +cogwheel 41
TOPLINE +cogwheel 7
TP +sun & cogwheel 6, 7, 9, 12, 37, 39
TRA CHANG +cogwheel 4, 7, 12
TRANS FORGE +cogwheel 12
TRECON +cogwheel & lines 7
TRIPADA +cogwheel 5
TRIVENI plus +cogwheel 7
TTS +cogwheel 12
TUFNYL +cogwheel 17
TULA +cogwheel & blanket 7
TURN PRO +oval arc cogwheel 7
TV SNR products +cogwheel 12
TWIN AGE +cogwheel 12
TWIN AGE +cogwheel & oval 12
TYCON +drop arcs & cogwheel 4
TYPOLOGIE +cogwheel 35
U +cogwheel 7
U +cogwheel & chimney 19
U.D. +cogwheel 5
UCM RESITA +cogwheel 7
UCML +cogwheel & leaf 39
UCPCL +hut cogwheel & wreat 35
UDAY +drop & cogwheel 7
UDE UNITED +cogwheel 7
UDYOG SADHANA +cogwheel 41
UDYOGWARDHINI +cogwheel 41
UJALA SHAKTHI +cogwheel 3
cogwheel 6
ULTRACON +cogwheel & arcs 9
UNCLE JOHN +man & cogwheel 30
UNICAD DESK +cogwheel 41
UNIFER +cogwheel & plant 41, 43
UNIFER +plant & cogwheel 16, 19, 37
UNILAX +hat & cogwheel 8
UNION BRAND +cogwheel 7
UNIQUE products +cogwheel 12
cogwheel 7
UNITORQ +cogwheel 7
UNITY +cogwheel 19
UPICA +cogwheel & arc 41
UPS +cogwheel 9
UR +cogwheel 35
USHODAYA UE +cogwheel 21
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